Archive for the ‘Minutes’ Category

Minutes 14 March 2022

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Minutes of Meeting held on 14 March 2022 via Zoom Web Conference

Minutes approved:

Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Silvia Muras, Vice Chair (SM); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); John Denniston, Treasurer (JD); Andy Wright (AW); Buster Crabb (BC); Rob Pope (RP); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP), David Watson, KoSDT (DW); Stuart Hewlett (SH); Christine Mackay (CM); Donna Gillies, Hirsel Enterprises (DM); Amanda Coghill, North Climate Action Hub (AC)


1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

2. Apologies: MT had email apology from libdem council candidate Michael Baird.

3. Approval of February 2022 minutes: Approved as true and accurate record. RP proposed, MT seconded.

4. Amanda Coghill of North Highland Climate Hub will address the meeting to explain role of NHCH & how they can help locally

AC is Development Officer from Climate Action Hub, provided overview of project. Remit is to map existing climate action projects across region. Scottish Government project funded for 3 years, just completed 6-month pilot phase. Aims to help groups to embed climate action in projects via signposting, advice, build networks, help groups support each other. Community-led action, project examples: Tool Libraries, Repair Cafes, Community Growing projects; get communities involved.

5. Matters Arising:

  • Footpath Network Project: CC members to arrange meeting with Matt Dent and DW to take forward in spring.

6. Chairperson’s Report (BW):

  • Access to Gearachoille Wood from Ardgay Hill: BW will follow-up on this. ACTION BW.
  • Situation in Ukraine. Update from THC, organise Ukraine weekend 1-2 April, will circulate when more details available.

7. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT): All correspondence circulated by email prior to meeting. No items of note.

8. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 28th Feb 2022, balance at the bank was: £48,916.84. This comprises: Restricted funds: £48,421.67; CC Admin fund: £413.20; Windfarm Admin fund: £81.98. The balances of the restricted funds are: CnC: £22,827.02; BnO: £24,099.37; BTWF Community Projects: £1,422.08; RWE Path: £73.20. Expenditure since 28th Jan 2022: £20.00 Membership of The Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society. Income since 30th Nov 2021: None. Expenditure not in statement yet: None.

9. Regular updates

  • Planning issues: MT submitted CC comments to planning portal for South Bonar Toilets and Pure Leisure Gledfield applications. MT has not had response re: telephone mast and will keep trying.
  • Climate Issues:
    • AP: fantastic joint project Sutherland Community Partnership with KOSDT, creating community orchard in middle of village. Implementing community compost project.
    • BW & SM to check if Riverwoods film about planting riparian woods can be shown in Bonar Bridge Hall; AP suggested Planet Sutherland could do it as climate film evening. DW recommends getting Sean from Fisheries Trust involved.
  • Windfarms: MT provided update on latest Sallachy Windfarm meeting.
  • Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (DW): Updates include external post box at Bonar Bridge Post Office. New Bothy successful opening with MSP Maree Todd; thanks to volunteers especially AP and CM for genius name by CM. Addresses both food insecurity and social isolation. Starting work on new outdoor education space behind polytunnel. Planning app submitted for South Bonar toilets. Resilience plan: all defibrillators awaiting installation dates from contractors. Community Food Stop open by appointment due to Covid, café back up and running after 2 years. Helping Hands Fund: Serious issue of fuel poverty, vehicle fuel cost is not being included. Funds are already spent, also working with Edderton to cover area (not in KoSDT area). Ongoing crisis; will look to multi-year approach for funding from Creich, Ardgay, Edderton CCs.
  • Highland council: No councillor in attendance. Disappointing lack of engagement from local councillor to date, will try to get the new candidates engaged after election.

10. AOCB: No items to note.

11. Date of Future Meetings:

  • Next meeting will be 9th May 2022 in Ardgay Hall. AGM to be held in June after Council elections.
12.Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Applications (private session):
  • Application to the Beinn Tharsuinn Wind Farm from Creich, Croick and Kincardine Day-Care Association for the project Music/ Movement and alternative treatments was approved in the amount of £700.

Meeting closed at 20:40

Minutes 14 February 2022

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Minutes of Meeting held on 14 February 2022 via Zoom Web Conference

Minutes approved: 14 March 2022

Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Silvia Muras, Vice Chair (SM); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); John Denniston, Treasurer (JD);  Andy Wright (AW); Rob Pope (RP); Buster Crabb (BC); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP), David Watson, KoSDT (DW); Stuart Hewlett (SH); Christine Mackay (CM); William Knott (WK); Helen Pollock (HP)


1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

2. Apologies: None

3. Approval of December 2021 minutes: Approved as true and accurate record. AW proposed; RP seconded.

4. Matters Arising: Any Update on Inviting 16-18 Year Olds to Join CC? It was agreed to defer this items until in-person meeting resumes in May.

5. Chairperson’s Report (BW): Items discussed from last meeting held:

  • Access to Gearachoille Wood from Ardgay Hill: BW will follow-up on this. ACTION BW.
  • Gates on Jubilee Hill: there now appears to now be CC-TV installed up there.
Items discussed from last meeting held:
• Access to Gearachoille Wood from Ardgay Hill: BW will follow-up on this. ACTION BW.
• Gates on Jubilee Hill: there now appears to now be CC-TV installed up there.

6. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT): All correspondence circulated by email prior to meeting. Not items of note.

7. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 28th Jan 2022 balance at the bank was: £48,936.84. This comprises: Restricted funds: £48,421.67; CC Admin fund: £423.20; Windfarm Admin fund: £91.98. The balances of the restricted funds are: CnC: £22,827.02; BnO: £24,099.37; BTWF Community Projects: £1,422.08; RWE Path: £73.20. Expenditure since 30th Nov 2021: £71.95 for Zoom for 5th Aug to 4 Jan for our meetings; £120 to the Minute’s Secretary Nov & Dec from admin funds. Income since 30th Nov 2021: None. Expenditure not in statement yet: £20.00 Membership of The Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society.

8. Regular updates

  • Planning issues:

(i) Application 21/05786/FUL Development of 47 holiday lodges, conversion & extension of existing building to form spa, gym, offices, restaurant and ancillary facilities, car parking and access. Land 150m NE of Gledfield Farm Cottage Ardgay.

BW recapped interactions to date: online meeting with John Morphet and article in Kyle Chronicle in Autumn 2020. In 2021 A&DCC submitted comments to pre-planning consultation broadly supporting development, welcoming access to facilities and potential for career-path job opportunities; also highlighted several issues including sewage, refuse, core paths and pedestrian access, and health services. CC members met onsite in January 2022, then in-person with Mr Morphet to address lodge specifications, light pollution, felling of mature lime trees. BW then opened the floor to comments.

HP: raised environmental concerns: riverbank erosion, habitat loss, sewage concerns, potential for river contamination. Lack of clarity around jobs; feels 20 jobs not enough to merit risks involved. Lack of carbon-neutral commitment, paths and foundations covered in bitumen, removal of stone walls along pathway. BW noted footpath was at CC request to support core path network and safe walking. Concerned PLG puts profits over community; potential expansion could set precedent for future area developments. Decision should be in community interest, irrespective of personal views.

WK: circulated petition with more than 60 names, still ongoing. Sent email to CC members prior to meeting, summarised concerns: increased road traffic; hazardous single-track roads even with more passing places. Increase from 35 to 47 lodges could double Ardgay population with potential to become housing estate. Near-identical Isle of Man development was withdrawn over public concerns. No explanation of jobs, no staff accommodation apart from GM, implying GM will be hired from outwith local area. Proposal is poorly put together, relies on outdated data and photos of other developments. WK’s land is designated for use in development but he has never been contacted. Water supply risks to residents’ and to water table from bore holes.

SM: noted site has been empty and in ruins for 8 years and sees positive opportunity to bring back to life. Creation of 20 direct jobs and potential for indirect jobs through other services. Area suffers from population decline, job loss, access to services; there is need to make economy more sustainable. Planning issues will be addressed by THC and non-planning issues not insurmountable. Petition would have been more constructive to send people to planning portal to view documents and comment online rather than asking to sign petition based on opinion. Signatories include non-residents and children and only 17 households, which is 5% of Ardgay which doesn’t fully represent majority community views; easy for people to sign without engaging with planning application.

WK feels petition represents community view and A&DCC should present to THC. BW replied that petition has not come to CC. HP asked why CC didn’t issue questionnaire to gauge community views; BW replied CC meetings are open forum for people to bring views to CC, and best way to comment is via THC planning portal. CC doesn’t make decision on this; up to Councillors and THC officials. CC role is to try to make the most of it for community if it goes ahead.

MT: Important to engage community. CC has statutory duty to respond to planning applications. CC needs to take all views into account and response must raise issues pertinent to planning process, ask planners to look very carefully, because we want to get the best outcome for everybody.

DW: KoSDT is supportive, but it needs to go through planning process; planning considerations including concerns for river, water supply, environment, will be dealt with according to planning laws. There is opportunity here and many Highland communities will want this type of opportunity.

Additional comments from floor: BC agreed with all comments so far and is also concerned with sewage risks. SH supports development if managed correctly, as it could add value to community. AP raised issue of affordable housing for staff, can this be emphasised as local housing is expensive. BW noted holiday accommodation could reduce pressure on second homes in the area. CM met with Mr Morphet; found him very amenable and he answered her concerns to her satisfaction. AW supports development; has tried to form balanced opinion as both individual and CC member and has written comments that he’s happy to share; feels Mr Morphet seems very cooperative. JD did research into other PLG properties which have mixed reviews from both guests and staff on TripAdvisor, Trustpilot, and Indeed, with suggestions from people on the internet that sometimes parks start off well but then standards slide and they are eventually sold. How company manages its parks is relevant to Gledfield development.

BW thanked everyone for sharing views; noted water is problem that CC will continue to question, also pointed out Carbisdale Castle caused traffic issues when in operation. Next step is for CC to submit comments to planning portal. CC will broadly support development but will take onboard all comments made tonight and state they need addressed before it can be approved. Must be carefully considered so people in area get best out of it so it adds value to community. ACTION BW

(ii) Proposed Telecoms Mast at Amat.

MT wrote to query additional mast placement in an area with good coverage already while other areas nearby have none. Most houses in Strathcarron have no mobile phone signal. Awaiting response from telecom entity.

(iii) Application 22/00337/FUL Construction of shelter containing WC & shower facilities, provision of services to provide serviced overnight parking and camping site Land 40m east of South Bonar public toilets.

Resubmission from KoSDT. THC has indicated they will give sympathetic objection; councillors can overrule to trigger challenge to SEPA objection and send to Scottish Government. BW proposed to approve, JD seconded. MT will write to confirm support. ACTION MT

  • Climate Issues

AP gave updates on Climate Challenge Fund and Highlands Adapt project. Highland Community Waste Partnership received £1.5million funding from National Lottery Comm. for initiatives, raise awareness, and 7 jobs. BW to invite Amanda Coghill of North Highland Climate Hub to the next Zoom meeting. ACTION BW

  • Windfarms: no updates
  • Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (DW):

DW acting chairman of Community Rail Partnership; sustainable travel initiatives such as E-bikes to hire off train. Helmsdale and Thurso projects will start first, other communities to follow. Sutherland Adaptive and Collaborative Communities Project staffing issues so Scottish Govt and HIE are extending. New larder opening in Shed with seating area for tea/coffee, expanded to meet 4200+ people. Community café in Bonar Bridge Hall up and running by April. Helping Hands fuel project funds spent already; more people than ever need support. Successful funding applications: outdoor green gym at Falls of Shin, garden beside Bonar Bridge post office, part-time community gardener. Falls of Shin operator exploration ongoing. Working on woodland habitat restoration strategy. Planning to hold AGM in April.

  • Highland council: Despite sending meeting invitation to all three councillors there was no councillor in attendance for the sixth consecutive meeting.

11. AOCB

  • AW raised topic of footpath policy for future meeting. CC can play role in facilitating engagement, mapping, keeping track of challenges. HP noted record should be kept of instances where landowners have challenged walkers.
12. Date of Future Meetings:
  • Next meeting 14th March 2022 via Zoom. In-person meetings will restart in May, location TBD.
13.Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Applications (private session): None submitted.

Meeting closed at 21:30

Minutes 13th December 2021

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Minutes of Meeting held on 13th December 2021 via Zoom Web Conference

Minutes approved:

Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); John Denniston, Treasurer (JD); Andy Wright (AW); Rob Pope (RP); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP); Stuart Hewlett (SH); Christine Mackay (CM)

Apologies: Silvia Muras, Vice Chair; David Watson, KoSDT


1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

2. Apologies: Silvia Muras, Vice Chair; David Watson,

3. Approval of September 2021 minutes: Approved as true and accurate record. MT Proposed, RP seconded.

4. Matters Arising:

  • Bonar Straight Speed Limit- Update Following Sutherland County Committee Meeting Held on 22 November: MT sent letter to councillors with evidence to support A&DCC position. The committee voted for 40mph lowered to 30mph at Ardgay Game, with traffic calming measures to be decided. Councillors will prepare a traffic order before the next meeting in February 2022 to be submitted to the Scottish Government.
  • Christmas Lights and Tree: All lights have been put up and are working; will be taken down after 5th of January. Special thanks to Jamie Macrae and all volunteers for help putting up the tree and lights.

5. Chairperson’s Report (BW):

  • Kyle Chronicle: Voucher on back cover for free refreshments at Christmas event in the square. No Community Council report in current issue but will be in subsequent issues.
  • Vandalism on fencing/gates on Jubilee Hill: report from Balnagown factor re: interference with fencing around Jubilee Hill

6. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT): All correspondence circulated by email prior to meeting. Items noted:

  • Proposal to Encourage 16-18 Year Olds to Join Community Council: All agreed this is a good idea to invite a pupil from Dornoch or Tain. MT to contact schools. Action: MT
  • Advice from THC: Continue Community Council Meetings Via Zoom until further notice.
  • NHS Highland: Potential consultation on health and care for the next 5 years to look out for as it could have impact for future operation of Migdale.
  • Tain Royal Academy New Campus: Discussed in Item 9.

7. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 30th November 2021, the balance at the bank was: £49,128.79. This comprises: Restricted funds: £48,421.67, CC Admin fund: £519.17, Windfarm Admin fund: £187.95. The balances of the restricted funds are: CnC: £22,827.02, BnO: £24,099.37, BTWF Community Projects: £1,422.081, RWE Path: £73.20. Expenditure since 29th Oct 2021: £110 to the Badminton club from CnC, £120 to the Minute’s Secretary Aug/Sep from admin funds, £1,000 to Gledfield Primary School Parent’s Council (in two tranches), £1,500 to Kyle of Sutherland Heritage Society from CnC, £3,000 to Culrain Hall from CnC. Income since 29th Oct 2021: None. Expenditure not in statement yet: None.

8. Core Paths – Proposal that Ardgay & District CC Join Scotways: Previously held membership until THC cut funding. BW proposed spending the £20 year for membership; MT seconded. BW will send info to JD to pay fee. BW also noted there has been no update yet from Matt Dent. Badvoon was discussed at recent meeting but nothing to report back on. General discussion of core path maintenance and access issues. All agreed that proper signage is needed to help publicise area core paths to encourage use and value as a community asset. Action: BW, JD

9. Regular updates

  • Planning issues:
    • New Tain Royal Academy Campus: Application 21/05639/FUL . Consultation on 10th December. A&DCC will not submit comments at this stage.
  • Climate Issues:
    • Email from North Highland & Islands Climate Hub interested in local initiatives and offering assistance. AP explained how some of the climate action groups work together when it comes to planning; this is how Scottish government are now distributing Climate Challenge Fund, a 6-month pilot to develop route map. MT will write to KoSDT to clarify if they will reply on CC behalf. Action: MT
  • Windfarms:
    • MT and BW attended Meeting with Coriolis Energy re: CB Garvary Wind Farm community benefit funds provisionally to be split among 5 Community Councils: Lairg, Rogart, Creich, Ardgay, Dornoch with amounts to be confirmed.
    • Public meeting in-person at Rosehall re: Strath Oykel Wind Farm to be held on 15th December 12-6.30pm. Attendees need to book a time due to Covid restrictions.
    • Achany Extension Wind Farm is going forward to Scottish govt as S36 application with no objection from THC.
  • Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (DW): David is on holiday; up to date information about KoSDT activities can be found in latest Kyle Chronicle or KoSDT website. AP also noted that Forestry Strategy moving on to next stage.
  • Highland council: No councillor in attendance for the fifth consecutive meeting.

11. AOCB:

  • AP raised issue that landlines in the UK are to be replaced by internet phones by 2025. SH added that residents can request to retain the line but will only available until 2030. This is particularly concerning for rural areas with poor internet connectivity.
12. Date of Future Meetings: Next meeting will be 14th February 2022 over Zoom, per THC guidance.
13.Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Applications (private session):
  • Application to the Coire na Cloiche Community Benefit Fund from KoSDT for the Helping Hand Home Energy Fund was approved in the amount of £2,000.

Meeting closed at 20:34

Minutes 8th November 2021

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Minutes of Meeting held on 8th November 2021 via Zoom Web Conference

Minutes approved: 13 December 2021

Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); John Denniston, Treasurer (JD); Silvia Muras, Vice Chair (SM); Andy Wright (AW); Rob Pope (RP); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP), David Watson, KoSDT (DW); Alison Moore, Christine Mackay; Stuart Hewlett; Posy MacRae, Gledfield Parents Council (PM)

Apologies: Buster Crabb


1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

2. Apologies: Buster Crabb

3. Approval of September 2021 minutes: Approved as true and accurate record. AW proposed, MT seconded.

4. Matters Arising:

  • Bonar Straight Speed Limit: As of previous Sutherland Committee meeting, the Roads department was to consult with Legal department on 30mph proposal. A further update is expected after SC’s next meeting to be held on 22 November.
  • Christmas Lights: Jamie MacRae has kindly agreed to put up lamppost lights again. BW will suggest dates to him: 27 Nov or 4th December, weather dependent. The suggestion to decorate the tree with permanent lights was tabled for discussion until next year due to cost/logistics. ACTION: BW
  • Queen’s Green Canopy Project: CC will work with local groups to plant trees in Spring 2022. DW mentioned that Fisheries Trust is organising tree planting along the riverbank and wants to pull together different groups; good opportunity to engage community and develop planting strategy. He will keep CC updated on these plans.

5. Chairperson’s Report (BW):

  • THC Climate Conference: discussion noted in Climate Change Update Item 9.
  • CARES Conference: Community and Renewable Energy Scotland. Grid restraints and lack of upgrades mean we can’t develop a Smart Grid locally.
  • Fuel Poverty Conference: Update provided by DW in Item 9.
  • Beinn Tharsuinn AGM: BW attended for first time.

6. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT): All correspondence circulated by email prior to meeting. Items noted:

  • Christmas in the Square Event: KoSDT planning this event for Friday 17th December.
  • Nominations for Volunteer Awards: KoSDT are holding a volunteer awards night on Tuesday 30th November. Deadline for nominations is Friday 12th November.
  • Community Council Complaints Procedure: Helen Ross, Senior Ward Manager for THC, has advised that community council complaints process has been put in place. Information can be accessed online on THC website here: Community Council Complaints Process.
  • Flooding at Kincardine Cemetery: MT has finally received a reply that this issue is on the list of matters to be addressed during the winter months. MT has written to advise resident who initially raised the issue and will monitor and follow-up in a few months.

7. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 29th October2021 the balance at the bank was: £54,858.79. This comprises: Restricted funds: £54,031.67; CC Admin fund: £579.17; Windfarm Admin fund: £247.95. The balances of the restricted funds are: CnC: £28,437.02; BnO: £24,099.37; BTWF Community Projects: £1,422.081; RWE Path: £73.20. Expenditure since 27th Aug 2021: £3,000 to Ardgay Hall- CnC annual award; £1,500 to Gearrchoille wood- CnC annual award; £100 to Jean Richardson- Honorarium from BTWF; £17 for Remembrance Day wreath- from admin funds. Income since 27th Aug 2021: £1,500 received from THC from Beinn Tharsuinn fund for planters etc. Expenditure not in statement yet: £110 to badminton club- BnO award; £120 to minutes secretary for Aug and Sep meetings- from admin funds.

8. Core Paths – Proposal that A&DCC Join Scotways: BW and AW met with Matt Dent from THC on 5th October and walked from Old Town to Badvoon. Tracey was informed but did not attend. Informed Matt about desire to improve profile and encourage use of core paths; he will consult THC and respond. BW emailed Matt to advise that ideal outcome would be to replace bridge at Badvoon, and proposed setting up working group to take forward. SM noted that Highland Local Access Forum will have Zoom meeting on 6th December to discuss this and other nearby paths. MT and BW will speak with David Hannah and keep working toward solution. ACTION: BW/MT

9. Regular updates

  • Planning issues:
    • Lairg ll Windfarm re-design 21/00849/FUL – approved
    • Midfearn Distillery Ltd. Pre-application Notice: Proposed whisky distillery on Midfearn Estate at Easter Fearn. Information available online at Two public consultations will be held:
      • Event 1: Face to face. Edderton Community Hall on 01/12/2021, from 3pm – 7pm
      • Event 2: Online using a virtual live chat feature on 20/01/2022, from 3pm – 7pm
  • Climate Issues:
    • Planet Sutherland: AP had to leave meeting early but sent email report ahead of meeting.
    • Highland Climate Change Conference: BW attended and reported there are lots of exciting things going on locally to support climate change initiatives. One important takeaway from the conference was the frustration of energy grid restraints and lack of progress being made: wind farms in Sutherland produce 9 times the amount of electricity consumed yet without infrastructure for smart grids can’t take advantage of it and Sutherland has one of highest rate of fuel poverty nationwide. All Conference talks are available on THC website here: Highland Climate Change Conference.
  • Windfarms:
    • Invitation to community benefit discussions for Garvary Wind Farm. Nothing else since last meeting.
  • Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust: DW reported on the following items:
    • Falls of Shin: procurement process to install a new operator. Significant issues across the hospitality industry with staffing. Engaging with local groups.
    • Bonar Bridge Post Office: will re-open on Thursday 11th November. There will be an event in early December. Posties will stay headquartered at the Barn until the new year.
    • Barn Polytunnel: growing well, have had help from enthusiastic volunteers. Will be reorganising the sheds to have more space. There are also new trees in the Square.
    • Community Christmas Event in the Square: to be held on 17 December, outdoors with possible use of the hall depending on the weather.
    • South Bonar Toilets: have submitted another application and had good meetings with THC planners. They can give a sympathetic rejection and advance to the Scottish Govt for review.
    • KALM Project: extended for 6 months with another 12 sought to deliver social projects.
    • Kyle of Sutherland and Lairg Volunteer Awards: Online event to be held of 30th November to provide awards to outstanding volunteers. MSP Maree Todd will attend and give prizes.
    • Sutherland Fuel Poverty Summit: Finance Secretary Kate Forbes provided the keynote address for this fantastic, full day event that attracted national coverage and attendees from all over Scotland. Hopefully fed into Scottish Govt fuel strategy.
    • Tree Planting Strategy: this is ongoing; great way to engage with community and contribute to the battle against climate change.
  • Highland Council: No councillor in attendance.

10. AOCB

  • Posy Macrae from Gledfield Primary School Parent Council attended. They have submitted funding application to transport children to swimming lessons in Tain. Costs are shared with Edderton Primary School. Decision on application to follow at private grant session.
  • Gearrchoille AGM to be held on Saturday 13th November in the shelter in the wood.

11. Date of Future Meetings: The next meeting will be 13th December over Zoom, per guidance from THC to continue virtual meetings until Spring.

13.Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Applications (private session):
  • Year 2 Coire na Cloiche Annual award of £3000 to Culrain Hall.
  • • Year 1 Coire na Cloiche Annual award of £1500 to Kyle of Sutherland Heritage Society (KOSHS).
  • • Application to the Beinn Tharsuinn Wind Farm fund from the Gledfield Primary School Parent Council: This application was transferred to the Coire na Cloiche fund and awarded as Year 1 Coire na Cloiche Annual award of £1000 to Gledfield Parent Council.

Meeting closed at 20:10

Minutes 13th September 2021

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Minutes of Meeting held on 13th September 2021 via Zoom Web Conference

Minutes approved: 13 November 2021

Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); Andy Wright (AW); Rob Pope (RP); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP), David Watson, KoSDT (DW); Alison Moore, Christine Mackay; Stuart Hewlett

Apologies: John Denniston, Treasurer (JD); Silvia Muras, Vice Chair (SM); Buster Crabb


1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

2. Apologies: John Denniston (JD), Silvia Muras, Buster Crabb

3. Approval of August 2021 minutes: AM noted correction from JD to add action for him to write to the Kyle of Sutherland Gala. Minutes approved with correction as true and accurate record. RP Proposed, BW seconded.

4. Matters Arising:

i. Bonar straight speed: Raised at Sutherland County Committee meeting. Recommendation from Roads Dept is for partial extension of 30mph to Ardgay Game and 50mph for the remaining stretch of road. A&DCC position is for 30mph for the entire stretch of road. All 5 Councillors are supportive of A&DCC position and will take it up with legal dept for review at next meeting. BW will contact Linda Munro for update and stress the CC view hoping that 30mph can be achieved. Action: BW

ii. Gledfield development: The comments BW had circulated to members were submitted to consultation and copied to the agents and Mr Morphet. No response or acknowledgement has been received.

5. Chairperson’s Report (BW): No items to add.

6. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT): All correspondence circulated by email prior to meeting. Nothing was flagged for discussion.

  • Request to lay wreath at memorial agreed.
  • THC survey to be completed today: MT to reply that CC opposed reduction of councillors.

iii. THC access ranger enquires if we have any topics she could help with: MT requested posters for litter and campervans to put up on notice boards and is awaiting response. DW noted feedback about rangers has been very positive so far and they are clearly making an impact.

ii. Community Support Officer: email from Angela Platts, newly appointed community support officer for THC. DW noted potential for duplication with this role as KoSDT covers a lot of this support already. MT requested everyone read her email to identify any gaps or areas where her role can add value to what is already provided. Action: ALL

7. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 27th August 2021 the balance at the bank was: £57975.79. This comprises: Restricted funds: £57131.67; CC Admin fund: £587.67; Windfarm Admin fund: £256.45. The balances of the restricted funds are: BnO: £24,099.37; CnC: £32,937.02; BTWF Community Projects: £22.0812; RWE Path: £73.20. Expenditure since 30th July 2021: £220.00 to the Kyle of Sutherland Gala from BnO. Income since 30th July 2021: £20,627.02 received from CnC; £10.00 donation from Marion.

8. Badvoon – timber extraction, core paths:

  • Timber extraction: MT responded to two consultations with two different timber groups, as the same forest is owned by different agents. Timber harvesting is only allowed between April and November, any requests outwith need to be addressed to THC. MT left it with Andrew Murray to sort out arrangements.
  • Core Paths: BW is still trying to schedule onsite meeting with Matt Dent. Residents at Badvoon are not willing to meet with CC to discuss but BW will still meet with Matt for wider discussion about better signposting and encouraging use of paths in the area.

9. Christmas lights: Last year it was decided to put up lights permanently so they can just be switched on each year. MT has lights and will contact the person who puts on the lights. Action: MT

10. Regular updates

  • Planning issues: Lairg ll Windfarm re-design 21/00849/FUL – responses by 30th Sept.: CC will not submit comments.
  • Climate Issues: COP26 is coming up in 6-7 weeks in Glasgow and there is a lot going on locally/regionally. AP reported that a new climate action group Future Communities H&I met today. THC Annual climate event will be held on 21-22 October with talks and workshops, information is available on THC website: Click here to view programme
  • Windfarms: BW provided update on SSE community benefit Achany extension. Presented vision to SSE in line with Scottish government best practice that area of benefit should be agreed b/w community and company. And that the amount of Community benefit should better match the now standard offer of £5k per installed MW.
  • Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (DW): Falls of Shin: procurement will be in October/November to find full-time operator. Staffing is a big problem at present across hospitality sector due to Brexit and Covid19. Looking for community-based project that benefits visitors, applying for funding to replace mini-golf with outdoor green gym beside forest walks. Bonar Bridge Post Office works continue, on schedule to reopen in November. The Barn polytunnel is up, plans to create community space for everyone. Resubmitting planning application for South Bonar public toilets, have received sympathetic refusal from THC, now need to take to Scottish government ministers to challenge legislation and overturn SEPA objection. Working with SSE renewables to create development plan for region to reflect views of community for sustainable future. Met with Maree Todd & Pete Campbell re: windfarm objections. Need proper consultation and thorough investigation by KoSDT team to better represent views of entire community.
  • Highland council: No councillor in attendance.

11. AOCB

  • Queen’s Green Canopy Project: Christine Mackay raised tree planting Queen’s Green Canopy Project planned for the Queen’s platinum jubilee next year: Creich is interested and there are plans in Brora and Golspie. It was agreed this is a great community project. BW will contact the new Balnagowan factor to discuss options for tree planting. RP will flag the project to Culrain. Action BW, Action RP.
  • Flower tubs: All agreed to paying honorarium to Jean for looking after flower tubs. BW to advise JD. Action BW

12. Date of Future Meetings: The next meeting will be 8th November over Zoom, per guidance from THC to continue virtual meetings until Spring.

13.Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Applications (private session):
  • Application to the Beinn Tharsuinn Wind Farm fund from the Kyle All Lives Matter (KALM) project was approved in the amount of £2,000.
  • Application to the Beinn nan Oighrean Community Benefit Fund from the Ardgay Junior Badminton Club was approved in the amount of £110.

Meeting closed at 20:49