Minutes of Meeting held on 13th December 2021 via Zoom Web Conference
Minutes approved:
Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); John Denniston, Treasurer (JD); Andy Wright (AW); Rob Pope (RP); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP); Stuart Hewlett (SH); Christine Mackay (CM)
1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
2. Apologies: Silvia Muras, Vice Chair; David Watson,
3. Approval of September 2021 minutes: Approved as true and accurate record. MT Proposed, RP seconded.
4. Matters Arising:
- Bonar Straight Speed Limit- Update Following Sutherland County Committee Meeting Held on 22 November: MT sent letter to councillors with evidence to support A&DCC position. The committee voted for 40mph lowered to 30mph at Ardgay Game, with traffic calming measures to be decided. Councillors will prepare a traffic order before the next meeting in February 2022 to be submitted to the Scottish Government.
- Christmas Lights and Tree: All lights have been put up and are working; will be taken down after 5th of January. Special thanks to Jamie Macrae and all volunteers for help putting up the tree and lights.
5. Chairperson’s Report (BW):
- Kyle Chronicle: Voucher on back cover for free refreshments at Christmas event in the square. No Community Council report in current issue but will be in subsequent issues.
- Vandalism on fencing/gates on Jubilee Hill: report from Balnagown factor re: interference with fencing around Jubilee Hill
6. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT): All correspondence circulated by email prior to meeting. Items noted:
- Proposal to Encourage 16-18 Year Olds to Join Community Council: All agreed this is a good idea to invite a pupil from Dornoch or Tain. MT to contact schools. Action: MT
- Advice from THC: Continue Community Council Meetings Via Zoom until further notice.
- NHS Highland: Potential consultation on health and care for the next 5 years to look out for as it could have impact for future operation of Migdale.
- Tain Royal Academy New Campus: Discussed in Item 9.
7. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 30th November 2021, the balance at the bank was: £49,128.79. This comprises: Restricted funds: £48,421.67, CC Admin fund: £519.17, Windfarm Admin fund: £187.95. The balances of the restricted funds are: CnC: £22,827.02, BnO: £24,099.37, BTWF Community Projects: £1,422.081, RWE Path: £73.20. Expenditure since 29th Oct 2021: £110 to the Badminton club from CnC, £120 to the Minute’s Secretary Aug/Sep from admin funds, £1,000 to Gledfield Primary School Parent’s Council (in two tranches), £1,500 to Kyle of Sutherland Heritage Society from CnC, £3,000 to Culrain Hall from CnC. Income since 29th Oct 2021: None. Expenditure not in statement yet: None.
8. Core Paths – Proposal that Ardgay & District CC Join Scotways: Previously held membership until THC cut funding. BW proposed spending the £20 year for membership; MT seconded. BW will send info to JD to pay fee. BW also noted there has been no update yet from Matt Dent. Badvoon was discussed at recent meeting but nothing to report back on. General discussion of core path maintenance and access issues. All agreed that proper signage is needed to help publicise area core paths to encourage use and value as a community asset. Action: BW, JD
9. Regular updates
- Planning issues:
- New Tain Royal Academy Campus: Application 21/05639/FUL . Consultation on 10th December. A&DCC will not submit comments at this stage.
- Climate Issues:
- Email from North Highland & Islands Climate Hub interested in local initiatives and offering assistance. AP explained how some of the climate action groups work together when it comes to planning; this is how Scottish government are now distributing Climate Challenge Fund, a 6-month pilot to develop route map. MT will write to KoSDT to clarify if they will reply on CC behalf. Action: MT
- Windfarms:
- MT and BW attended Meeting with Coriolis Energy re: CB Garvary Wind Farm community benefit funds provisionally to be split among 5 Community Councils: Lairg, Rogart, Creich, Ardgay, Dornoch with amounts to be confirmed.
- Public meeting in-person at Rosehall re: Strath Oykel Wind Farm to be held on 15th December 12-6.30pm. Attendees need to book a time due to Covid restrictions.
- Achany Extension Wind Farm is going forward to Scottish govt as S36 application with no objection from THC.
- Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (DW): David is on holiday; up to date information about KoSDT activities can be found in latest Kyle Chronicle or KoSDT website. AP also noted that Forestry Strategy moving on to next stage.
- Highland council: No councillor in attendance for the fifth consecutive meeting.
11. AOCB:
- AP raised issue that landlines in the UK are to be replaced by internet phones by 2025. SH added that residents can request to retain the line but will only available until 2030. This is particularly concerning for rural areas with poor internet connectivity.
- Application to the Coire na Cloiche Community Benefit Fund from KoSDT for the Helping Hand Home Energy Fund was approved in the amount of £2,000.
Meeting closed at 20:34