Minutes of meeting held on Monday 14th December 2020 on Zoom at 7.00pm
Minutes approved 8/2/2021
Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW), Silvia Muras, Vice Chair (SM), Marion Turner, Secretary (MT), John Denniston, Treasurer, (JD), Andy Wright (AW)
Apologies: Buster Crabb (BC), Rob Pope (RP), Bill Knott (BK)
Invited guests: Jodie Ross and Jason Gardiner, Sutherland Adaptive and Collaborative Communities Project (JR&JG)
Also present: Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP), Donna Gilles (DG)
Minutes Secretary: Mary Goulder
Items 1 & 2. Welcome & apologies (as above). Chair Betty Wright welcomed everyone to this Zoom meeting.
Item 4. Approval of October minutes. The minutes of the October meeting were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed: Marion Turner; seconded: John Denniston.
Item 3. Guest speakers. JR and JG outlined the work done so far on the Communities Resilience Plan, cooperating with the local Community Councils of Creich, Edderton and Lairg in addition to Ardgay. A basic plan has been prepared. The next stage is for communities to make comments/suggestions to complete. Much input has been received, residents from Culrain were thanked for their input. The next meeting is scheduled in February 2021 so comments should be submitted ahead of this to conclude and publish the plan. The opportunity to bring the regularly updated plan to the public via the Kyle Chronicle is very much appreciated. An asset register will be established to enable quick responses when incidents arise. The Fire Service insurance will cover the use of such assets at these times. It will be possible to use drones to help control incidents. Drones will also be covered by the insurance when used. Once published the public will be encouraged to keep the plan close to hand for immediate access in urgent situations. Relevant contact information will be included though it was stressed that this is a back-up and that all emergency services remain the first point of contact when appropriate. A map will show where services/equipment are sited throughout the Kyle of Sutherland area, for example defibrillator stations, generators, etc. It is hoped to establish training in first aid, CPR, etc through Scottish Ambulance in 2021. SSE maintains a register of vulnerable people in the community. Every homeowner should be encouraged to hold a list of emergency contacts and useful information pertaining to their needs and property. Phase 2 will look at prevention aspects due to climate change, reviewing actions and considerations. JG commended residents and organisations for already functioning well in matters of resilience and support within the community. Chair will supply any further information required by JR regarding the Ardgay district. The date of the February meeting of the SACCP will be notified to the CC in due course. JR and JG left the meeting at 8.50pm.
Item 5. Matters arising. (1) Dog waste disposal. The removal of the red dog waste bins appears to have led to an increase in fouling with waste not being cleaned up by dog owners. The message to use ordinary bins does not seem to be reaching the public; the designated red bins were a constant reminder. There was no consultation with CC regarding the removal of red bins and not enough ordinary bins are available in public places. Secretary will write to Ward Manager requesting the provision of more grey bins, specifically at sites where the red ones have been removed. MT Action. (2) Speeding near Gledfield school. Secretary has requested results from recent camera van surveys. (2) Bonar straight. Still no reply from THC. Ward Manager has been asked to have someone respond in lieu of Joanne Sutherland, Head of Roads, who has apparently been absent for some time. A public event could be staged to indicate local opinion. The Hub should be involved in driving this forward considering the perceived dangers to their customers, especially children. Questions could be asked of other areas where traffic calming measures/speed limits have been introduced, e.g. Conan Bridge and Maryburgh. BW Action. (3) Thanks were expressed to all who helped with the preparation and setting up of the Christmas lights and decorations. (4) Scottish Water. DG advised that talks have taken place between Scottish Water and the residents of East Kincardine Hill but the costs of piping water from the mains would have to be borne by the residents. It was suggested that standpipes could be placed at sites where currently the mains supply stops. Secretary will suggest this to her contact at Scottish Water. SACCP should be contacted to add this issue to Resilience talks as the lack of water could be critical in several instances. MT Action.
Item 6. Chairperson’s report. (BW) Nothing to add.
Item 7. Secretary’s report. (MT) All correspondence has been circulated by email. (1) An interactive survey has been circulated regarding Covid research. MT encouraged CCs to complete and submit.
Item 8. Treasurer’s report. (JD) JD had circulated the report ahead of the meeting. The 16th November balance at the bank is £42,511.93. This comprises Restricted funds of £41985.49, CC Admin fund of £474.32, and the Windfarm Admin fund of £52.12. The balances of the Restricted funds are: Beinn nan Oighrean £20,789.61, Coire na Cloiche £19,810.00, Beinn Tharsuinn Community Projects £1,276.00, RWE Path £73.20, and Toilet caretaking £36.68. Expenditure since 30th September: £100 to Jean Williamson for work on plants and flowers, £90 to Minutes Secretary, £250 to Ardgay District Xmas Party – gifts and £250 to Gledfield Primary Scholl Parent Council. Paid since 16th November but not yet on bank statement: £27 and £93 Christmas lights related and £72.50 to Minutes Secretary. MY noted that the windfarm admin account balance is low. She will check up regarding a top-up transfer of funds. MT Action.
Item 9. Regular updates:
(1) Planning issues. CC has already supported a grant application from KoSDT in respect of its Planning application at ‘Stonehenge’. Biomas boiler installation at Gledfield House. No objections raised.
(2) Climate issues. BW attended THC Climate Change online conference. There were lots of interesting speakers and discussions about targets and policy and personal responsibility but not enough about actions being taken now by the council. You can view the recording of the event here https://www.highland.gov.uk/info/591/council_and_government/942/2020_highland_climate_change_conference
(3) Windfarms. Noted that the proposed Glencassley development has been renamed as the Achany Extension.
(4) Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust. A new website has been created overarching the wider KoS area.
(5) Highland Council. Noted the absence of any THC Councillor. (1) Proposed changes by the Boundary Commission which would see the amalgamation of Wards with the reduction in Councillor numbers were discussed. Secretary will respond to the consultation registering CC objection.MT Action. (2) The Tourism Infrastructure Plan with a deadline for comments by 18th December came as news to the CC. BW will investigate. AP also looking into this. BW/AP Action. CC training – details have been circulated for those interested.
Item 10. Any other competent business. (1) SM advised that she is standing down from the Ardgay Public Hall Committee. Having a CC rep on the committee has helped communication and understanding between the two bodies and a new CC rep would be beneficial. SM was thanked for the liaison work she has carried out on the CC’s behalf. (2) Gledfield Estate. CC reps met with new owner John Morphet in November and an article appeared in the winter edition of the Kyle Chronical. Concerns raised tonight regarding knock-on effects, specifically traffic around the primary school. Further talks might see goodwill gestures forthcoming for example to alleviate traffic/parking issues or pavement at the school. CC will have the opportunity to highlight concerns when Planning application is submitted by the Estate. Local Core Paths could be improved. (3) MT raised the concept of Partnering/Sharing with THC. It seems that often THC now wishes to ‘step back’ from aspects of community provision thus putting responsibility onto the community, for example, play parks. Communities might be more willing to take on community provision if THC considered ‘partnerships’ with communities where both it and the community share the responsibility.
Item 11. Date of future meetings. The next meeting, on Zoom, will be on 8th February 2021 at 7pm, followed by March, May and June (2nd Mondays).
Item 12. Applications to Beinn Tharsuinn, Beinn nan Oighrean community benefit funds. Previously approved applications were ratified. BnO – £250 to Ardgay Xmas Children’s Party – for gifts and £250 to Gledfield Primary School Parents Council for equipment.
Meeting closed 9.15pm
Tags: Minutes, Minutes 14 December 2020