Minutes of Meeting held on 9th August 2021 via Zoom Web Conference
Minutes Approved 13th September 2021
Present: Betty Wright, Chair (BW); Silvia Muras, Vice Chair (SM); Marion Turner, Secretary (MT); John Denniston, Treasurer (JD); Andy Wright (AW); Rob Pope (RP); Buster Crabb (BC); Anna McInnes, Minutes Secretary (AM); Anna Patfield, Planet Sutherland (AP), David Watson, KoSDT (DW); Alison Moore, Christine Mackay; Stuart Hewlett
1. Welcome: BW opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
2. Apologies: None
3. Approval of June 2021 minutes: approved as true and accurate record. AW Proposed, MT Seconded
4. Confirmation of co-option of Anna McInnes as member of Community council: Confirmed and agreed. BW Proposed, SM Seconded.
5. Matters Arising:
i. Flower planters: Purchased as agreed at June meeting, installed onsite. Need to start planning earlier next year to expand display.
ii. Bonar straight speed limit – meeting with Tracey Urry: BW and MT met with Tracey Urry from THC and Pete Campbell from Creich Community Council. They walked partway along the Bonar straight and experienced lots of traffic with different types of vehicles, which helped to demonstrate the CC’s position that 30mph is the only viable option for this stretch of road to allow safe, active travel for residents and visitors. Sutherland County Committee will vote at their meeting on 16th August. BW and MT will write this week on behalf of A&DCC to the six area councillors outlining the main points. Individuals are also welcome to do so and asked DW to submit from KoSDT. BW will also email Tracey Urry to ask to see her recommendation and determine our response after that. MT proposed the CC prepare a response in the event the Committee does not vote for 30mph. Action: BW, MT
iii. Any update re Badvoon forestry?: BW forwarded documents from Andy Murray today and will liaise with MT as its in her area.
6. Chairperson’s Report (BW): Nothing additional to report.
7. Secretary’s Report – including Correspondence & Matters raised by local residents (MT):
i. Issues with Core path at Badvoon: No response yet from Matt Dent, BW will email again to ask to meet onsite and walk full length of path. It is important from a heritage point of view that the path be maintained. There is also need to raise the profile for core paths in region and encourage people to use them. JD suggested funding signage for the paths. AW suggested putting a signboard in village with map of the paths. SM suggested working with Matt Dent to identify all the paths. DW noted KoSDT would be interested in audit for whole area to identify gaps and improvements, and Trust can lead on funding and get involved. Action: BW
ii. Request from Karen Murphy, Kintyre: requesting support for Scottish govt petition to encourage Wind Farm developers to routinely offer Shared Ownership: The CC will take no action on this but individuals can lend their support on Scottish Gov website if they choose.
iii. Next Kyle of Sutherland locality meeting: 17th August, 6pm via MS Teams: BW will attend.
8. Treasurer’s Report (JD): Report circulated by email ahead of the meeting. As of 29th July 2021 the balance is £37,558.77. This comprises: Restricted funds: £36,724.65; CC Admin fund: £577.67; Windfarm Admin fund: £256.45. The balances of the restricted funds are: BnO: £24,319.37; CnC: £12,310.00; BTWF Community Projects: -£14.601; RWE Path: £73.20; Toilet Caretaking: £ 36.68. Expenditure between 31st May to 29th July 2021: £32.54 Internet web hosting; £43.17 Zoom subscription; £945.60 for the planters; £180.00 Minutes secretary (April to June). Income since 31st May 2021: £485.03 received from the Highland Council for the admin account; £3,529.76 from Beinn nan Oighrean wind farm fund.
9. Regular updates
- Climate Issues: BW mentioned the IPCC report which was issued today. We can let politicians know by our actions that we need to make difficult choices. AP reported that the polytunnel at Gledfield Primary is finished. Also mentioned strong support from Sutherland Community Partnership to get people talking about resilience in the area, and get people out growing things!
- Planning issues:
i. Pure Leisure Gledfield development: 21/02438/PAN & online consultation – 2nd online consultation 9th – 23rd August. Response from community council
The second online consultation opened today and includes responses to comments submitted to the first consultation. Many residents did not receive the postcard that was supposed to be sent by DePol prior to the first consultation, the secretary received no response to her request that the area be extended. The pre-application process gives the community the opportunity to submit comments before the plans are drawn up. JD circulated email listing a number of issues to consider and BW noted the following points to consider in the CCs response:
- Development should be carbon-friendly, e.g. solar panels, biomass heating, small turbine
- Will water come from mains? Any upgrade to water supply should benefit nearby residents to the west, and this could be a potential benefit for the community.
- How will sewage be dealt with?
- More passing places are needing to address increased road traffic
- Pedestrian access to Ardgay village and train station and footpath along road. The response to previous comment was mini-bus transport will be provided.
- Core paths on the river Carron: usage will increase, better signage is needed
- How will refuse/recycling be handled at the site
- Health services: will there be an onsite paramedic?
Discussion was had on potential positive benefits such as jobs, local investment, amenities for the community. Additional items raised in discussion included impact of the swimming pool, provisions for electricity, concerns over lyme disease, road safety, protecting wildlife, infrastructure, lack of provision of picnic area and child play areas on plans, how to feed local knowledge into planning process and protect cultural assets. BW and MT will put together a submission to circulate to CC members and submit to online consultation on behalf of A&DCC. Action: BW, MT
ii. Achany extension WF Section 36 application from SSE: ECU00001930. Comments open to 6th Sept.:
Details can be viewed online: https://www.sserenewables.com/achanyextension/. Alternatively, BW has a pen drive with the documents that can be made available upon request. Decision will be made by Scottish government. A&DCC won’t respond at this point but individuals can comment.
- Windfarms:
i. Application for WF at Strathrory refused by North Planning committee. Community Benefit discussions continue re other proposed developments.: BW/MT continuing with discussions. Nothing new to report on this.
- Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (DW): The polytunnel beside barn is completed, will be used as community and educational space. Funding approved from THC for 7 growing projects. Bonar Bridge Post Office renovations are underway with the sorting office currently in the barn. Falls of Shin will not have long-term operator for this year however the onsite catering van is working out well. KoSDT will resubmit proposal to take over and manage the South Bonar Bridge toilets site and maintain as a public amenity. This was previously rejected due to SEPA’s objection. Funds of £10,000 from Cash for Kids was distributed in 6 days. Funding bid was successful from the Beatrice fund for £27,000 to install 5 more defibrillators in areas with gaps including 3 mobile defibrillators for ghillies, and 5 hookups to public buildings for SSE generators. More funding is also available for the Kyle Chronicle to highlight the resilience plan every 3 months. Met with Victoria Collison of Historic Churches Scotland re: creating heritage experience with Croick Church as central feature, in efforts to develop heritage tourism, potential for a 3-year project with heritage lottery funding to create heritage officer post and steering group from local area to identify important assets and ensure all voices heard. The Sutherland Fuel Poverty Summit will be held in Lairg on 8th October, will look at environmental impact in addition to fuel poverty. Residents can complete the affordable warmth survey on the Sutherland Community Partnership website: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Sutherlandaffordablewarmthsurvey
- Highland council: No report as Cllr Kirsteen Currie did not attend meeting. BW will invite Cllrs Hugh Morrison & Linda Munro to future meetings. MT has had no reply re: Kincardine flooding.
10. AOCB
- A&DCC Website Admin: MT will provide details to AM for taking on the A&DCC website admin, AM to post meeting minutes once access is available. SM requested links to minutes also be posted from the Facebook page. ACTION: MT, AM
- Broken Road Sign: JD reported the Culrain/Croick/Inveroykel road sign has fallen down, he will report on THC website where residents can report such issues themselves: https://www.highland.gov.uk/report
11. Date of Future Meetings: The next meeting will be 13th September over Zoom. There have been no updates from THC about in-person meetings.
12. Applications to Beinn Tharsuinn Wind Farm: Application from the Kyle of Sutherland Gala Week was approved in the amount of £220.00. JD will write to the Kyle of Sutherland Gala and to pay the £220 from BnO. ACTION: JD
Meeting closed at 21:03.